"Information for Foreigners is a thought-provoking and darkly comedic play written by Griselda Gambaro. Set in a nondescript authoritarian regime, the play explores the absurdity and brutality of oppressive systems as experienced by a group of foreign tourists. The tourists, who are initially excited to explore this new country, find themselves increasingly entangled in a web of bureaucratic absurdity and surveillance.
As the tourists navigate the bewildering and Kafkaesque bureaucracy, they are subjected to arbitrary rules, interrogations, and dehumanizing encounters with the authorities. Gambaro's play uses humor and absurdity to highlight the dehumanizing effects of totalitarianism and the erosion of individual freedoms. Through a series of vignettes and interactions, the play raises questions about identity, power, and the complicity of individuals in oppressive systems.
“Information for Foreigners” By Griselda Gambaro, dir. Maru Garcia — March 1st, 2nd, & 3rd, 2024
Information for Foreigners is a powerful and unsettling work that challenges the audience to reflect on the consequences of apathy and conformity in the face of authoritarianism. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and resistance in the preservation of individual rights and dignity.”
The NYC Yuletide Carolers, Sigler can be found this holiday season singing Soprano in festive quartets New York City and the surrounding area. The Yuletide Carolers are in their 30th season of performing across the East Coast. The carolers pride themselves on combining incredible vocals, charming enthusiasm, festive and authentic attire, and warm spirit to every event. Sigler is incredibly thrilled to be singing with them and plans to continue singing with the YTC for many seasons to come.
Logan Sigler is a New York City-based actress, singer, and model with a deep passion for performance and a great love of learning. Sigler specializes in stage acting, but enjoys everything from film to opera, as well. The young actress is currently working on a new, Off-Broadway production titled “The Magical Journey of Arlekina” as the lead actress.
Sigler is also the proud owner of a small business : Magic In The Making, which strives to create fun, affordable, and long-lasting memories for families of every shape and size. The company offers numerous children's entertainment packages which consist of face-painting, balloon twisting, sing-a-longs, dance parties, bubbles, character appearances, and more! Each package is entirely customizable to meet the needs of you and your child. Contact us now to discuss the right package for you!"
Sigler 12/2023
The Magical Journey of Arlekina Gala
Sigler, 03/2023
Downtown Manhattan Photoshoot
Sigler, 03/2023
Studio Photoshoot
“Performance is about grittiness, about never giving up and never taking no for an answer. Always improving, always growing, always learning. And that is what I want. "
Sigler believes that art, particularly theater, is a fundamental aspect of humanity that should be shared with all people. With the hope if acting for at least a decade before moving towards directing, Sigler intends to create greater accessibility within the entire performance arts industry. Opera, film, theater, jazz— all of it— is universal. Successful works thrive because any person, no matter their race, gender, age, ability, or background, can connect with the performance. And yet, according to a survey taken in 2020 by the National Endowment of the Arts, Caucasian individuals are 44% more likely to attend a live performance event than African American and Hispanic people. This demographic gap, as well as many others, is unacceptable, and Sigler sees herself working towards creating change in this regard of the performance industry.
Logan Elizabeth Sigler • Actress, Singer, & Model
Ready to create art? Reach out to work with Logan now!
Party/Wedding Vocals
Musical Theater & Stage Acting
Children's Entertainment Package